the power of 7
Client: Culture Trip
Producer: Eve Sommerville + Gerri McArthy
Art Director: Giles Dill
Director: Ana Pérez López
Animator: Ana Pérez López
Designer: Ana Pérez López

Even before covid-19 put airlines against the ropes, Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion had started to convince the world that we can’t keep traveling as we do. However, adventure is part of the human blood and Culture Trip is trying to promote a better way of traveling. I followed the story of Sonja, a badass female scientist who is studying bee pollination in Mexico and biked from Seattle to Santa Cruz (California). I chose a hand-drawn look to allude to the journal that she kept while adding miles to her legs. The blue ink is reminiscent of a BIC pen and the red was used to add contrast.
See the other films in the series and the special website at Culture Trip